Principal Investigator

Dr. Iris Berent, Ph. D.

My research seeks to unveil human nature and our intuitive understanding of it.

To shed light on human nature, I explore the human capacity for language using phonology as a case study. I examine whether phonology is constrained by abstract universal principles, and whether these principles are shared across language modalities—speech and sign. My approach is highly programmatic and interdisciplinary. I study diverse populations—adult speakers of multiple spoken languages, signed languages, children and infants—and a wide array of tools, ranging from behavioral experiments to brain methods.

A recent line of research asks how laypeople reason about human nature. My lab examines how our core intuitive knowledge shapes how we reason about what we know and who we are.

Curriculum Vitae

Lab Managers

Curie Cha

Connor Howell

Connor Howell is a fifth-year Business & Psychology combined major at Northeastern University. He has a diverse background in areas like computer science and mental health services, and he hopes to utilize those experiences to drive people-centric research. Beyond the classroom, Connor is involved in various organizations at Northeastern, but he is primarily involved in the Addiction Support Awareness Group, Northeastern’s only support network. Connor is particularly interested in psychology as it pertains to business organizations and their operations.

Research Assistants

Abigail Bernstein

Hi, my name is Abigail Bernstein and I’m a second-year Computer Science & Cognitive Psychology major. I am mainly interested in the implementation of human-centered design in software development as well as the ethics of machine learning and improving its implementation in everyday life. I think understanding the human psyche is an extremely important aspect of this. Beyond academics, I love to weightlift, play tennis, thrift and hang out with my friends.

Ami Syed

Ami Syed (zi/her) is a fifth year undergraduate Biology/English major on the premed track. Aside from pursuing a career in medicine, zi is currently writing a science fiction novel that zi hopes to someday publish. As a writer and someone who’s first language is not English, she’s always been interested in language, especially how and why people process it differently.

Francesca TerBush

Hi! I’m Francesca, a 4th-year psychology major from Maryland. Outside of school, I love baking, music, and traveling. I’m excited to join the Language and Mind Lab because I’m curious about the psychology of how we communicate. I grew up with French and Italian influence, so I’ve always been fascinated by language.

Isabella Belknap

I am a second-year student at Northeastern studying a double major in Psychology and International Affairs. I am interested in exploring the connection between the body and the mind and how their collaboration affects how people perceive themselves as a whole. 

Nalini Singh

Hi! I’m Nalini Singh, a second-year student majoring in Computer Science and Cognitive Psychology. My passion lies at the intersection of these fields, where I aim to reverse-engineer the brain’s neural circuits to uncover the underlying mechanisms of human cognition. By combining this knowledge with biologically inspired artificial intelligence, I hope to contribute to the development of more advanced, human-centered AI systems. Joining this lab allows me to further explore my interests in neuroscience, machine learning, and the cognitive processes that define who we are.

Sarah Atkins

Hi, my name is Sarah, and I am a second year studying Behavioral Neuroscience on the premed track. I have always been curious about the separation of the mind from the body — leading me directly to the Language and Mind Lab. I always love discovering more about the brain and I hope to expand my knowledge on this fascinating topic.

Val Goorha

My name’s Val Goorha. I’m a fourth year majoring in English and Biology. I’m very interested in exploring the structure of language and the neural mechanisms behind innate communication and thought. I’m an EMT and currently work in the emergency room of Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital. I’m hoping to go into a career in healthcare. In my free time I love to read, paint, rock climb, and hammock.

Yotam Saban

Yotam Saban is a fifth-year pre-med student at Northeastern University pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Neuroscience. His research interests include addiction, dualism, the mind-body connection, and the nature of the human consciousness. Beyond his academic work, Yotam is the co-founder and co-president of NOEI (Naloxone Outreach and Education Initiative), an organization committed to educating the Northeastern and Boston communities on recognizing and responding to opioid overdoses. 

Open Positions

Research Assistant

Undergraduates at Northeastern University can join our lab as  volunteers or as part of Directed Study Research (PSYC 4991). The lab investigates human nature and our ability to reason about it. Responsibilities include recruiting participants, running participants in psychological experiments, and the preparation of experimental materials.

There is a required commitment of 7-9 weekly hours for 3 credits, including a weekly lab meeting (on Thursday, 3-4 pm).  A strong GPA and some background in computer science,  psychology of language, or cognitive psychology or linguistics are highly desirable. Preference is given to candidates who wish to enroll in research during both the fall and spring terms. Please contact Dr. Iris Berent.

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